
Bud Boudreau

By Francis Raley on Mar. 2, 2013 at 09:33 AM

Bud Boudreau called this morning.  Over a week ago Bud was working a new outside dog.  This dog was not good about coming back to Bud, would visit the neighbors if Bud was not watching him, etc.  Bud decided to cut off four wild sheep to work.  Coming on the fetch the sheep began running very fast, the dog did not cause the problem.  One wool blind ewe ran into Bud, he fell on his back and could not get up.  The dog came to Bud, laid down beside him and put his head on Bud’s chest till Sarah arrived to help.  Aren’t our dogs amazing!  Bud is on crutches and will be going back to the doctor this coming week. He said one of his knees is not good at all.
Bud Boudreau
18670 Avance Rd
Red Owl, SD  57776