
Sells Trial Directions

By Francis Raley on Dec. 8, 2013 at 08:42 AM

Will you please post these directions, I'm not sure the gps ones will work.

Coming in from the South:
When you come to the 4 way stop at Asher (Hwy 177 & 39) it will be about 14 miles North on 177 to Ruggles Road where you will turn right or East, (the only way you can turn).
You’ll know you are getting close to the turn as it will be one mile after you cross the  LITTLE RIVER bridge. There is also an old Hwy to the right that ends about 75 yards before the turn.
Once on Ruggles RD go 2 miles to second stop sign and turn right or South on Skagg city road. Go about ¼ mile to the green pipe entry way on the right or West