Frio Draw Classic SDT ~ Jan. 30-Feb. 2, 2025
Friona, TX
Contact: Raffaella Hefner (e) (p) 858-205-7620
Trial Host: Tommy & Raffaella Hefner
Entries Open: 11/15/2024
Entry Deadline: 12/15/2024
Mail Entries To: Raffaella Hefner 2405 County Road 10, Friona, TX 79035

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  (Entry/Payback) Trials    
Open $0.00 / No payback 3
Open Ranch $0.00 / No payback 2
Nursery $0.00 / No payback 2
Carol Clawson - UT
Carol was five when her family got their first border collie from relatives who had a sheep ranch in Craig, Colorado. Although border collies were a part of her life from that point on (even going to college with her), it wasn’t until her son was grown that she started working her dogs on sheep. Since then, Carol has been trialing regularly. Carol was President of the Utah Stockdog Association for several years and served as the President of the USBCHA from 2015-2018. She has judged several Utah Stockdog trials as well as Strang Ranch and Trailing of the Sheep, Cottage Grove and Sleddin’ & Sheddin’. In 2022, Carol and her partner formed SH Sheepdog, LLC and now put on the Soldier Hollow Classic Sheepdog Championship & Festival. Carol lives in Charleston, Utah with her husband, Steve, four border collies, and a small flock of sheep. In her spare time, Carol is an amateur photographer who has followed many of these trial dogs and handlers with her camera lens.
Nancy Penley - United States
Trial Information
USBCHA & TSDA Sanctioned
Trial Secretary: Raffaella Hefner

Entries will be available in this website:

Dates: Jan 30 - Feb 2; entries open Nov 15 - Dec 15  Full refund before January 1.
3 open (one double lift) - 
2 nursery
2 open ranch

Scratches will be accepted and reimbursed until Jan 1

Open Judge: Carol Clawson (Utah)

Judge: Nancy-Hayes Penley ( Colorado)

Entry Fees

Open: $70; Nursery: $65; Open Ranch: $65; Double Lift: $85 

We will try to accommodate as many third dogs as we can considering the short winter days.
Please mark which one is your third dog in the entry form.
Pay out after expenses. 


Dry camping available at the trial site.
Reeve Lake RV Park: 600 W 15st, Friona, TX 79035 
Pet friendly Hotels
Friona, TX: Friona Inn 
Hereford, TX  - 30mins away: Best Western; Motel 6
Clovis, NM - 30mins away: multiple options
Handler’s tent


Handler's Tent

We are planning to have a tent with space heaters where handlers can congregate and with hot coffeeor tea.


2110 Co Rd 10 Bovina, TX 79009

To reach the trial site, you need to drive through a 1mile dirt road which will be difficult if wet.
In case of sustained rains and warm temperatures, we will relocate the trial and we will properly
communicate the new info to all handlers.

GPS Address: GPS coordinates: 34.598095, -102.868888
Hotel Information

Dry camping available at the trial site.
Reeve Lake RV Park: 600 W 15st, Friona, TX 79035 
Pet friendly Hotels
Friona, TX: Friona Inn 
Hereford, TX  - 30mins away: Best Western; Motel 6
Clovis, NM - 30mins away: multiple options
Handler’s tent